
Banking Financial Industry Solutions

The financial services sector is still continuing to emerge from the worst economic and financial crisis that it has faced in the past 80 years. As a banking or financial institution in the industry, you might find yourself dealing with similar challenges faced by other organizations in your space, such as:

  • Calculating tax withholdings for employees in multiple locations throughout different states
  • Tracking a variety of pay rates, pay grades, and employee types for your entire staff
  • Automating processes associated with employee benefit plans, including enrollment, assigning dependents, determining deductions, etc.
  • Controlling admission rights to software for employees that access sensitive information and those that do not

Kronos SaaShr, Inc. helps these banking and other financial institutions meet these and many other challenges with workforce management solutions. Our applications also help these institutions:

  • Attract and retain qualified talent that acquires new customers or positively impacts business initiatives
  • Reduce the time spent processing and calculating payroll
  • Set up schedules on the fly or set them to repopulate based on specific business requirements across each location
  • Report on the detailed employee analytics with the ability to customize columns and create filters for a much deeper intelligence